
Biogas investment

Generating electricity and gas from biomass - an investment with a future
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Biogas Anlage

Biogas plants protect the climate and are versatile in use

Green energy is the trend. Fossil fuels are to be gradually replaced by climate-friendly energies. Biomass is an integral part of the energy mix in Germany. The number of biogas plants and investments in this form of renewable energy is increasing worldwide.

Biogas plants already supply five million private households with green electricity and the biogas sector is considered one of the largest growth markets in Europe.

By 2050, the combined production of biogas and biomethane is expected to cover between 30 and 40 per cent of the gas demand in Europe with 95 billion cubic metres.

By investing in a biogas project, you can participate in this trend, achieve attractive returns and do something good for the environment at the same time.

Our financing experts will be happy to provide you with further information on this topic or help you arrange financing. Simply contact us for a non-binding and free initial consultation!


How does a biogas plant work?

Biogas is produced by the decomposition of biomass in the absence of oxygen. This decomposition is carried out by microorganisms. Agricultural raw materials such as silage maize, silage from garden waste, feed residues and liquid manure are usually used as biomass.

A special combustion engine that drives a generator connected to the public power grid produces electricity from the biogas.

Biogas is climate-neutral when burned, as it only releases the amount of CO² that the plants have absorbed in the course of their growth.

Joachim Haedke
As the owner of two solar parks with a capacity of over one megawatt, a former member of the supervisory board of a PV company and a biogas plant constructor, as well as a board member of a biogas investment company, the topic of renewable energies is close to my heart.
Joachim Haedke
CEO of Finanzierung.com

What are the arguments in favour of investing in a biogas project?

  • Contribution to climate protection

    Biogas saves emissions from fossil fuels

  • Versatile in use

    Electricity or heat generation. Biomethane can be fed into the public gas grid

  • Heat generation

    Utilisation in a wood heating system or biomass heating plant

  • Erzeugung von Strom + Wärme

    Via combined heat and power generation, e.g. in a biomass cogeneration plant or in a combined heat and power plant fuelled with biogas

Do you have any questions?

Do you have questions about your current financing options or the situation in general? We will be happy to help you - contact us!

Fabian von Pigenot
Fabian von Pigenot
Authorised signatory, Renewable Energy

How much does a biogas plant cost and how much electricity does it produce?

The investment costs per kW of installed output are between approx. 2000 and 3000 euros/kW for larger systems and around 5000 to 7000 euros/kW for smaller ones. The type of engine used (pilot jet or gas Otto engine) and the existing building structure, which may be utilised, also play a role.

Up to 1 million kWh of electricity can be generated when operating a system for more than 7000 full-load hours per year. For a system with a maximum generator output of 150 kW, the basic remuneration according to the EEG is 14.3 cents per kWh. The revenue from the sale of electricity amounts to approx. 140,000 euros per year.

5 important questions about your biogas project

Investors actively promote climate protection and benefit from attractive returns.

Biomass power plants are considered a relatively safe form of investment. Energy demand is increasing worldwide, renewable forms of energy are the trend of the day and the technology is mature.

The Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) gives priority to electricity from biogas when it is fed into the grid, and the feed-in tariff is generally guaranteed for the long term (20 years).

The remuneration rates for electricity from biomass are between 6.0 and 14.3 cents per kWh, depending on the size of the plant.

Biogas plants can be subsidised by the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) through low-interest loans as part of the programme to promote renewable energies.

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